AccuJet high turbulence pressure box

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Pressure box of high turbulence AccuJet with distributor. The control system on the distributor uses a low-frequency pulse pump to supply circulating water, thereby regulating the uniformity of the supply. Dilution valves react to scanner signals on the dry part, correcting the supply if necessary.

In zones with a high specific gravity, the valves open automatically, diluting the mass in the pressure box in this zone. And vice versa, in areas with a low base weight, the valves are automatically closed. 



  • Effective control of mass flow distribution;
  • Minimizes the time required to change the order;
  • Improves the degree of distribution of fibers and, accordingly, the characteristics of the final product; 
  • It dampens the pulsations accompanying the main flow of mass.


Advantages of our pressure boxes:

  • Energy saving;
  • Uniform speed;
  • Ease of maintenance and washing.


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